
On October 1 2024, National Grid ESO, Britain’s electricity system operator, became the new National Energy System Operator (NESO) – an independent, public corporation with additional responsibilities in operating and planning Britain’s electricity and gas networks.

atmospheric sunset over a wind farm with clouds and hill

Author: Jan Žižka

Less than three weeks ago, the UK shut its last coal power station, marking the symbolic end of its coal-reliant industrial era. The gradual phase-out of coal in the UK’s energy sector over the last three decades has helped lower the share of greenhouse gases emitted through electricity generation, which dropped from 34% in 1990 to around 14% today. As pointed out by Mark Winskel in his interview for Energy@Edinburgh, the UK can be proud of this achievement. Indeed, UK power plants’ percentage contribution to total emissions is roughly half that of the EU’s electricity sector, and around five times lower than the global average.

Mark Winskel portrait photograph
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