Built environment and infrastructure

Interdisciplinary research on energy, buildings and related infrastructure.

sunset over a skyscrapers and buildings

Decarbonising the energy needs of domestic, commercial and industrial buildings presents critical research and policy challenges. The solutions involve not just clean technology – we also need to engage with users, the community, the supply chain, and develop the necessary sustainable design skills, knowledge networks, and regulatory frameworks.

Our Built Environment and Infrastructure theme combines expertise in sustainable design in the School of Architecture, energy data analytics in the School of Informatics, low carbon heat technology in the Schools of Engineering and Chemistry, with social impacts and user perspectives in the Schools of Social and Political Science and GeoSciences.

Regulation is key to ensuring the construction sector follows a low carbon path, and through the Centre for Future Infrastructure in the Edinburgh Futures Institute, we advise government and the construction industry on resilient, adaptive and sustainable practices.


Centre for Future Infrastructure: Sean Smith

School of Architecture: John Brennan, Kate Carter

School of Social and Political Science: Jan Webb, Faye Wade

School of Informatics: Nigel Goddard, Lynda Webb

School of Geosciences: Dan van der Horst

Highlighted project: 

Heat and the City: https://heatandthecity.org.uk/